Calle Tepeyahualco 26. Colonia La Paz
72160 Puebla. - Mexico
Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
T: 943 373 011
Delegation Araba
T: 945 285 089
Delegation Bizkaia
T: 946 009 043
Delegation Navarra
T: 948 249 051
Delegation Valladolid
T: 983 500 964
Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
T: 943 815 243
Centro de fabricación / Manufacturing center
T: 943 815 243
%Nombre de la empresa %Empresa realizó la siguiente consulta:
Datos de la maquina:
Modelo: %Modelo
Marca: %Marca
Num. Serie: %NS
Su email es: %email
Su teléfono es: %Telefono
Grupo Pegamo
Polígono Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun | Guipuzkoa - Spain
T: +34 943 373 011 | F: +34 943 371 001
Discover the services that we offer in PEGAMO's Industrial Supply division.
We offer calibration services for instruments, hydraulic and electrical tools.
Another of our outstanding services is the rental of both hydraulic and manual tools.
We also have a technical repair and/or enquiry service for any type of incident related to hydraulic tools, pneumatic tools or hand tools.
Our agents will offer you a personalised service, whatever your need.