Calle Tepeyahualco 26. Colonia La Paz
72160 Puebla. - Mexico
T: +52 (222) 230 1893
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Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
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F: 943.371.001
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Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
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Pol. Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun. Gipuzkoa - España
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Grupo Pegamo
Polígono Lintzirin Gaina, B2
20180 Oiartzun | Guipuzkoa - Spain
T: +34 943 373 011 | F: +34 943 371 001
Used for breaking the inside and outside beads of construction machinery tyres mounted on 5-piece rims; placed against the bevel ring gear, it presses on the side of the rim. Recommended for rims from 25” to 51” in diameter, it is built in steel and aluminium for greater reliability and light weight. Fitted with 360° swivel connection for greater ease of use and no tangling in the hose. Supplied complete with 3 hooks of different lengths 40S, 40, 65 mm.
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